Andrew Bartholomew

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Roasted broccoli

​I will admit that I was more than a little puzzled by this article in the NY Times a couple months ago. In it Martha Rose Shulman writes: "I’d never thought of roasting broccoli, for instance, but now I’ll be roasting that vegetable as often as I steam it, for sure."

Wait, what? You write a food column for the New York Times and you've never before thought to put broccoli in an oven? Damn it people, stop steaming your broccoli! Toss those little trees in the oven already.​ I swear, it couldn't be much easier.

Cut up a head of ​broccoli. Toss with salt, pepper, olive oil, and a few cloves of garlic -- the more the better, honestly. Slide a baking sheet with the broccoli into an over at 425 for 25 minutes, tossing once or twice to prevent burning. Squeeze some more lemon over the top and eat like popcorn.