Colicchio's beef short ribs

Sometimes you read a recipe and just know: This is going to be a real improvement over any previous version of this dish. These Tom Colicchio short ribs are a perfect example. I'd noted a few weeks ago my desire to tackle them and compare to other short ribs recipes, so here you go. Look great, no? They taste even better.

The main improvement here is browning the ribs the day before and then marinating them overnight with vegetables and red wine. This really lets the flavor seep in. While it requires some foresight to get started the day before, the combined effort is no greater than the usual short rib braise. The next day you just pull them out of the fridge, braise them for a couple hours, blast them under the broiler for 10 minutes and then cook down the sauce to pour over top.  The result of the long, uncovered braise followed by the time under the broiler is a pot full or almost ink-black ribs.  They look pure and beautiful and taste as beefy as you'd expect.


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